blog post two

04.01.21 Laughing makes us invincible. Not like those who always win, but like those who never surrender. Frida Kahlo

A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything. Unknown author

From as far back as I can remember, I was told that things would look better in the morning. The wisdom of our mothers knowing that a good nights sleep was the panacea for a child’s difficulties has now been backed by science. Consistent sleep is the foundation for good health. And not just sleep at night. I fought taking a little cat nap all of my life. How I wish that I would have tried it sooner. A little 20 minute nap works wonders for me when I am dragging mid afternoon… much better than reaching for a soda, coffee or a chocolate!

I feel so much better when I have a good nights sleep, but I feel on top of the world when I have a day filled with laughter. Lighter, happier, and at peace. The best way is obviously to surround yourself with people that are positive and enjoy life. If you cannot physically be with people at least you can virtually enjoy your friends and family now. Go somewhere that children are playing. That is almost a guaranteed laugh! You can make a choice to watch programs and movies that are positive and funny. Walk outside and watch the hijinks of the squirrels and birds in the trees. When I find myself in a funk and can’t seem to pull myself out, I will make myself ( sometimes begrudgingly and occasionally angrily) commit to finding one thing a day that will make you chuckle!


Blog post one


Blog Post three